Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post traumatic stress disorder is a specific type of anxiety-related disorder in which an individual has recurrent and intrusive recollections of a traumatic experience, which in turn causes marked distress. Prior abuse or traumatic experiences in events like warfare, natural disasters and hostage situations, can all be trigger events for post traumatic stress disorder. Post traumatic stress disorder is often characterized by flashbacks and nightmares in which the sufferer relives the traumatic situation. Individual and group counseling with a psychologist/psychiatrist and a regimen of medications are often used to try to treat the symptoms associated with post traumatic stress disorder.

All Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income determinations are based on medical documentation. It is important that your condition and treatment is thoroughly documented in the form of medical records, clinical evaluations, and narrative reports from your treating physicians. If you do not treat with a doctor, or your doctor is not supportive, your lawyer will not be able to prove your case, regardless of how sick you truly are. Our goal is that you, your doctors and our attorneys can form the winning team to ensure that your pursuit for Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income benefits is successful.

At West Coast Disability Legal Center, our experienced attorneys guide people through each step of the Social Security Disability claims process. We can file your initial claim, appeal your claim to the reconsideration level if you are denied, request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge, or appeal your case to the Appeals Council. To talk with us about your case, please call us at (800) 459-3017 to schedule a free consultation. You can also contact us online and one of our attorneys will get in touch with you. There is never a fee for our services unless we win your case.